
SoftElegance provides customers with the power of Data Science, ML, AI, Software Development expertise in the Manufacturing industry
Explore the expertise of SoftElegance for Manufacturing Industry

The various companies in the manufacturing industry are demanding custom software solutions that would enable them to run lean manufacturing efficiently. This is because lean manufacturing is a cutting-edge competitive advantage in the industry.

Organizations in the manufacturing industry require solutions that will integrate their various data streams for quicker and easier access. The SoftElegance team will provide various companies in the manufacturing industry with business process automation software systems, custom software solutions, and business apps that will help to solve the particular issues of your company.

Industry Solutions: Manufacturing
Global Digital Manufacturing Software market size will be further expanded
$106 mln
$126 mln
$172 mln
Main customers of manufacturing software
Aerospace and Defence Sector
Automotive Sector
Industrial Machinery Sector
Food and Beverage
Top Requested Manufacturing Software Features
Materials Requirements Planning (MRP)
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
Manufacturing Accounting
Quality Management (QM)
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Customer Management
Supplier Management
Product Life Cycle Management (PLM)
manufacturing chart
37% - Materials Requirements Planning (MRP)
36% - Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
13% - Manufacturing Accounting
7% - Quality Management (QM)
3% - Supply Chain Management (SCM)
2% - Customer Management
1% - Supplier Management
1% - Product Life Cycle Management (PLM)
Data Source: Orbis Research Report, 2018
Technologies utilized in Retail Industry:
.NET application development
.NET Framework
Label printing software solutions
Success stories of SoftElegance in RETAIL INDUSTRY
Coiled Tubing Manufacturing Enterprise Automation
Problem to solve:
Client utilized a ERP vendor system with limited capabilities (mostly for inventory management) and performed the majority of it operations outside of the system via various legacy applications and manual processes. Company’s growing business required automation of business and manufacturing processes.
Challenges to overcome:
Various legacy applications
Outsourcing software development
Legacy applications
Manufacturing processes
Outsourcing software development
Legacy applications
Manufacturing processes

SoftElegance outsources development of SaaS systems, provides sophisticated business software outsourcing services , creates engineering applications, and business processes automation software for companies in the oil & gas, manufacturing, retail, health care, startups, engineering, B2B services, and government sectors.

SoftElegance provides clients with smarter software solutions, engineering applications development services, SaaS solutions, and much more other demanding solutions that drive competitive business advantage in the industry.

Expertise in Technologies

As a reputable software development outsourcing company, SoftElegance’s team utilizes bleeding-edge technologies in developing bespoke business software solutions. These solutions are optimized for high performance to provide both simultaneous multi-user access and API support.

SoftElegance successfully meets customer demand in using IoT, Predictive Analytics & AI, Robotic Process Automation, Natural Language Processing, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Software As A Service (SAAS), Machine Learning (ML), Industry 4.0, and many other advanced technologies in custom software outsourcing development for various business needs.

Tens of thousands of U.S retail stores make use of SoftElegance’s sophisticated business solutions every day to manage their operations. SoftElegance has successfully developed intelligent business software solutions utilizing the latest technologies.

How to succeed in project development
Wise definition of goals and tasks
The success of any business project is measured by the closeness of the final results to the initial goals. Thus, a client has to provide the project team with precise details of the objectives of business functions.
Wise definition of goals and tasks
Project managers know the importance of the perfect blending of expertise in the subject and the use of appropriate techniques to reach the required results of the project.
Wise definition of goals and tasks
The tight cooperation between the product owner and the project team on current activities, existing issues, proposed solutions, etc. often creates synergy and moves the project forward faster.
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